Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser
Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser


Illusory - Package That Is Both Liner and Diffuser

Difusor de aromaterapia

En este diseño de difusor de aromaterapia, la esponja es a la vez el revestimiento del envase y el propio difusor, aprovechando al máximo las propiedades suaves, amortiguadoras y porosas de la esponja. Al utilizarlo, rocíe el líquido aromatizante sobre la superficie del difusor. Debido a la naturaleza porosa de la esponja, el líquido puede adherirse uniformemente a su superficie, haciendo que el aroma sea más duradero y encantador. La porosidad de la esponja crea un bonito efecto ilusorio en los bordes del producto, como un aroma encantador, agradable y etéreo.

Cliente / Fabricante

Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Guangzhou, CN


Guangzhou, CNMiao Jingyi, Zou Hu
Fecha de lanzamiento
Tiempo de Desarrollo
Regiones Objetivo
Asia, Europa, Norteamérica
Grupos Objetivo
Consumidores / Usuarios