8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV
8K Flagship Laser TV


8K Flagship Laser TV

Laser TV

QingDao Hisense Laser Display Co., LTD

The world’s first 8K laser TV, with its innovative design form and ultra-high resolution, can playback images and audio as well as serve as a hub for smart home controls. It has a comprehensive surround soundscape, resulting in an excellent auditory experience. Its oriental aesthetic inspired by "a square earth and spherical heavens" and its innovative scissors-style opening and closing lens cover creates a noble and ceremonial sense of start-up. Equipped with a curved second screen, the TV also serves as the family ALoT control center.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government