Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar
Aeroband smart guitar


Aeroband smart guitar

Digital musical instrument

Aeroband smart guitar is a based intelligent playing and singing guitar for music lovers. It is a guitar with keys and nostrings in the left hand. Users can follow the APP and can sing songs without foundation. The high-quality microphone on the guitar can receive the singing voice, and then mix it with theguitar sound and play it through the high-quality sound on the guitar, so that every music lover can play and sing songs with zero basis.

Client / Manufacturer

Dale Technology Co., Ltd

Beijing, CN


Shenzhen, CNjaudesign
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users