Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv
Air Purifier Löv


Air Purifier Löv

Air purifier


The Löv air purifier is inspired by leaves and tree branches and is reminiscent of the forests that purify the earth. The four types of structural reassembly it offers allow it to blend harmoniously with various spatial features. At just 3.5kg (body) in weight, Löv is very portable, so you don't need to have a different air purifier in every room. Its slimness of just 8cm is groundbreaking and allows it to be mounted on walls as a bold decorative feature.

Date of Launch
Development Time
25 - 36 months
Target Regions
Asia, North America
Target Groups
Consumer / User