Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly
Baidu App for the Elderly


Baidu App for the Elderly

Mobile phone app for the elderly

Shenzhen baidu netcom Science technology Co., Ltd.

China is facing serious problems as its population ages, with some 264 million Chinese people now considered elderly. The Baidu App for the Elderly is based on Baidu's leading AI technology and data accumulation. The app provides rich content and services for the elderly as well as a systematic, age-friendly design that makes it convenient to read and listen to content. The app offers abundant services for the elderly through combinations of various practical tools and AI technologies, such as voice search, image recognition and voice synthesis. The result is an app that enriches the lives of elderly people so they can enjoy digital services and keep up with the digital era.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: CHINA
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Specific sub-group: the elderly