BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series
BESPOKE Package series


BESPOKE Package series

Package for Consumer Electronics

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

A BESPOKE appliance is an appliance product that matches one's own space and reflects one's taste. We have now applied our BESPOKE design philosophy further to packaging. For designing packaging, we aimed at developing an aesthetic that delivers the value pursued by each item and intrigues consumers. We also aimed to deliver the most representative characteristic of a BESPOKE product, which is a customisation variety of colours to express oneself, in packaging. Additionally, we intended to present the image of a modern, premium appliance by showing a minimal but sophisticated design in a refined view.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users