Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin
Cat litter basin


Cat litter basin

Pet accessory

This is a deodorizing cat litter box. The product design takes into account the comfort of both the owner and the cat. The "fresh air module" at the top can remove the peculiar smell caused by feline excreta in the cat litter box and has a bacteriostatic effect, creating a comfortable and healthy environment for cat families. In addition, the "fresh air module" can also be used separately from the litter box.

Client / Manufacturer

Shanghai One Sixth Pet Products Co., Ltd.

Shanghai, CN

Shenzhen Fonu Industrial Product Design Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: China
Target Groups
Consumer / User