Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing
Children lollipop for  Covid-19 saliva testing


Children lollipop for Covid-19 saliva testing

Product design

This product concept is designed to detect Covid-19 saliva antigens in young children to enhance their testing adherence. Saliva antigen (oropharyngeal) testing is more comfortable than nasopharyngeal testing. However, saliva testing requires children to hold the strip in their mouth for 10-15 minutes, which is difficult for young children to maintain that long. In our design, we integrate a lollipop with saliva antigen testing to improve young children's testing willingness and ensure the detection time. We also design a texture on the candy surface to facilitate saliva diversion and to collect the saliva naturally.

Client / Manufacturer

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Shanghai, CN

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Shanghai, CNXiangyu Liu, Jiayuan Lu, Hao Tang
Date of Launch
Development Time
Target Regions
North America, South America, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users