Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air
Corensis Air


Corensis Air

Air Alergen Detector


Corensis Air Alergen Detector is a product that people who have allergy problems due to pollen in their home or in the surrounding area will want to have. It analyzes the pollen in the environment and informs the user about it via the mobile application. Corensis Air Alergen Detector offers technology and aesthetics together. It is desired to create a decorative perception with the pattern that dissolves from the lower part to the upper part. Although it is essentially a medical product , it is aimed to be used with pleasure by the user at home with its modern design lines, as well as to be portable thanks to its handle.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users