Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas
Crayons of the Seas


Crayons of the Seas

Crayons, packaging and website

The Crayons of the Seas create an educational experience centered on 12 crayons featuring colors taken from actual satellite images of the Earth's seas. The packaging abounds with elements that take the user on a journey of discovery through these myriad colors, introducing where on Earth each color can be found, the story behind their distinctive hues, and related environmental issues. Crayons are among the first art supplies children pick up, and this project uses them as a gateway to foster love for our planet. The vibrant hues of the Earth are a springboard for children and adults alike to learn about and experience the wonders of nature.

Client / Manufacturer

SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

Tokyo, JP

SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

Tokyo, JPShoichiro Seino, Yukiya Hanada


Tokyo, JPHiromasa Hosotani


Tokyo, JPMasaya Ishikawa, Hokori Iinoda
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users