Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam
Eve Outdoor Cam


Eve Outdoor Cam

Security camera

Eve Systems

Eve Outdoor Cam is an elegant floodlight camera that replaces an existing outdoor lamp, making it an easy way to enhance your property’s security. Its motion-controlled floodlight helps deter intruders. The cam also alerts you on your iPhone and starts recordings when something’s up. Eve Outdoor Cam is the most private camera on the market. Tapping exclusively into Apple HomeKit Secure Video, it enables live access without cloud exposure. Video analysis is done locally by Apple TV or HomePod, and recordings are securely stored in iCloud. Eve Cam requires no registration, never gets in touch with external servers, and doesn't track you.

Client / Manufacturer
Eve Systems

Eve Systems

München, DE


München, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumer / User