Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops
Green Drops


Green Drops

Sustainable Experience Visual System

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Green Drops is a visual system that can be used to deliver unified sustainable experience to users. The main motif that acts as a shared visual corpus can be adapted to express wide range of spectrum within sustainability such as various resources, product-related icons and even higher level sustainable values. The Green Drops calls for users’ participation by visualizing users’ previously-abstract environmental efforts into concrete items and act as a gathering platform to bring a bigger wave of social change in society as a whole. This orchestrated continuity gives users a sense of steadfastness and fulfillment in their sustainable actions.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
North America, Asia, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users