IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier
IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier


IOT Air Purification Dehumidifier

Air purifier and dehumidifier

The Zair dehumidifier is equipped with a mini-inverter compressor that can absorb 10L of humidity per day, equal to about 18 bottles of mineral water. As the smallest in its class, it is known as the "little monster of dehumidification." It is lightweight and easy to carry, quickly delivering a dry, cozy, and fresh living experience. It is a highly efficient appliance that achieves optimal dehumidification, and since it is very quiet, it can be used even at night.

Client / Manufacturer

Foshan Airgic Technology Co., Ltd.

Foshan, CN

Foshan Halloidea Industrial Design Co., Ltd.

Foshan, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User