KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System
KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System


KUAIKAN Awake Comic Videoizing System

Comic App


Smart Video Comics is a new comic reading experience, which can enable users to get a more immersive content viewing experience, and also make it easier for users with reading disabilities to watch comics. An Intelligent video cartoon is a new form close to animation, but compared with the production of traditional animation, it has lower cost and higher output efficiency. At the same time, the video attribute of video cartoons will also make it easier to spread in a variety of platforms or media, which will promote the formation of the future automatic animation industry.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users