MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging
MIHOO Origin Series Packaging


MIHOO Origin Series Packaging


MIHOO is committed to providing professional and effective care for young skin. The reagent bottles were inspired by the shape curve design of the bottle in the laboratory. Bottle shape design, color matching, and minimalist typography communicate the image of professional and young. Pay attention to environmental protection. The bottle body material is made of recyclable glass material. The bottle pump head, dropper, and pore size have undergone scientific calculations and simulation experiments. The dosage method allows each product to be accurately used and avoids waste caused by excessive dosage.

Client / Manufacturer

Changsha MIHOO Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Changsha, CN

Changsha MIHOO Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

Changsha, CNYuefeng Dai, Yanqing Jiang,Jalin Chen,Na Jiang, Lijie Li,Xumei Wang,Honglin Liu, Qian Chen
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users