Brand and Logo Design
Keio Corporation
The recent station-front development in Japan is lacking individuality because of the similar commercial facilities anywhere for the short term profitability. Keio Corporation, a major developer, was working on the station redevelopment project in Shimokitazawa, the center of Tokyo’s subculture. The locals were concerned its cultural uniqueness would be lost in the redevelopment. We helped them to think outside the box and set the mission as to create a new cultural epicenter with a strong brand that would cultivate Shimokitazawa’s individuality more and further enliven the town, instead of just building another new commercial facility.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Keio Corporation
Tokyo, JPKonel Inc.
Tokyo, JPDate of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry