Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo
Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo
Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo
Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo
Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo
Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo
Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo
Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo


Mubea Urban Mobility Cargo


Muhr und Bender KG

Mubea has transferred its automotive know-how from the areas of lightweight construction, quality, and reliability to the requirements of logistics service providers and last-mile delivery with a four-wheeled cargo carrier. This vehicle stands out from the competition in terms of robustness, design, ergonomics, loading volume, and payload. Our Cargo is legally a pedelec and features a specially developed chassis and a modular vehicle platform.

Client / Manufacturer

Muhr und Bender KG

Attendorn, DE

ID Berlin

Berlin, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
25 - 36 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: Germany
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry