NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby
NAVER 1784 Lobby


NAVER 1784 Lobby

Retail Office Lab

NAVER Corporation

Naver designed and built the world's first pro-robot architecture, and Archimosphere designed the lobby on the first and second floors of this high-tech building. We designed a new spatial system for the coexistence of robots and humans. A strategy to share the corporate identity with the concierge was also explored that functions as a lobby. The coexistence of robots and humans is a concrete form of life beyond imagination. Archi@Mosphere believes that the substantive consideration of how the high-tech environment will change people's lives is definitely a unique part that deserves the award.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users