Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot
Orthopaedic surgery robot


Orthopaedic surgery robot

Medical device

ZCO Design Co., Ltd.

In traditional arthroplasty, accuracy is usually dependent on the doctor's personal experience and surgical skills, meaning there is potential for operator error. Based on the surgical experience of many experts in deep learning, the best preoperative solution is provided automatically. It can not only accurately position, grind and install the prosthesis, but also accurately position and cut, ensuring that error from the preoperative planning scheme is minimized to less than 1mm and the angle deviation of the installation to less than 1°.

Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User