Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller
Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller


Procontroller- UW smartphone camera controller

UW photo shooting device for smartphone

Procontroller is for whom want to take photos/videos during diving. It is optimized for underwater shooting environments. First of all, the body size is designed to be large enough that even divers with thick gloves can easily press buttons. It is not easy to move fingers delicately in underwater environments, that's why how to operate buttons has been also made very intuitively. Additionally, we made round edges to improve grip feeling.

Client / Manufacturer


Seoul, KR


Seoul, KRJungil Kim, Woochul Im, Youngse Kim, Cheolwon Choi
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry