Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection
Sensa Collection


Sensa Collection

Smart bathroom system

JOMOO Kitchen & Bath Co., Ltd.

The Sensa Collection creates an atmosphere of personal wellbeing in the bathroom, perfectly adapting to individual preferences and analyzing health needs through sensors in the toilet. With the help of 4D radar, the Sensa Collection offers the user a personalized behavior experience. The bathroom recognizes people and automatically adjusts settings, such as light, sound, temperature, and scent without further user interaction. The simplicity shifts product interaction to the background while Sensa intelligence puts a multisensory experience front and center in the bathroom.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User