St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket
St Marche Supermarket


St Marche Supermarket

Interior design of a supermarket

The St Marche chain, which is known for being a differentiated environment with personalized service, needed a renewal of the concept, focusing on its expansion plans. Based on the costumer’s new needs, which emerged during the pandemic, the challenge was to transform the supermarket into a place of leisure and well-being, with a pleasant environment being essential for the customer to return to the store. For the new store on Avenida Rebouças in São Paulo, there was still the architectural challenge to create an efficient layout, capable of taking advantage of the huge concrete pillars existing in the space destined for the store.

Client / Manufacturer

St Marche

Sao Paulo, BR

Lampur Engenharia

Sao Paulo, BR

Espaçonovo Arquitetura

Sao Paulo, BRJovita Torrano, Vanessa Miola, Ana Carolina Lima, Larissa Falasca, Larissa Anne, Fernanda Kanamori, Lidia Lee, Ligia Oliveira, Nathalie Silva
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users