TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design
TCL Care UX Design


TCL Care UX Design

TV UX Design

Shenzhen TCL Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

The International Paralympic Committee and the International Disability Alliance estimate that 15% of the world's population suffers from some form of disability. The pandemic has reduced our outdoor time, which became a luxury for those who face challenges in everyday mobility. As a user-centered company, we want to make life easy for all starting from watching TV. As the industry's first TV care solution, TCL care covers everyone including the disadvantaged to offer a more friendly TV experience. We democratize the TV experience for all people so that everyone can conveniently experience a rich and colorful life even within their homes.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users