The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple
The Packaging Evolution of an Apple


The Packaging Evolution of an Apple

a series of poster designs

"26% of the total global greenhouse gas emissions came from the global food system, and a large part of the carbon emissions in the food industry came from its packaging."-Our World in Data Today, people's lifestyles have become more delicate. The food in the supermarket now is not only great-looking but also very "safely packed" layer by layer. This poster series reveals the problem of over-packaging through the cross-era packaging evolution of one single apple, which reminds people that, we need to have more environmental awareness now under the growing trend of emotional consumption.

Client / Manufacturer


Beijing, CN


Beijing, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government