U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar
U-Lab 001 Guitar


U-Lab 001 Guitar

Smart guitar

The U-LAB 001 Guitar is an intelligent guitar designed for music lovers with musical dreams. The designers wanted to allow more adult music fans to enjoy playing music and the experience of feeling like a real musician. There are two main problems with learning to play an instrument: understanding music theory and little spare time. As a result, most music lovers often do not manage to enjoy all aspects of music, especially playing. The U-LAB pioneers created the Colored Chord Guide, which lowers the threshold of understanding and playing for users. The lighting guidance system and app music library intelligently guide users to perform.

Client / Manufacturer

Unknown Galaxy Technology Limited

Shenzhen, CN
inDare Design Strategy Limited

inDare Design Strategy Limited

Shenzhen, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry, Public Sector Government