Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground
Uptown Underground


Uptown Underground


How might it be possible to restore a connection to a subway train's urban context and an awareness of movement through the city? Uptown Underground offers a geographically accurate view of the cityscape above a moving subway, projected onto its ceiling, as it moves under New York City. The project is implemented with four projectors connected to micro-computers, synchronized over a peer-to-peer WiFi network, and informed by geolocation and acceleration data from a cellphone, all running on battery power. It was installed without permission on a series of moving wagons between the Brooklyn Bridge and 96th St. stations, a roughly 9.5km/25-minute loop.

Client / Manufacturer

Ian Callender

New York, US

Ian Callender

New York, US
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: New York City, NY, USA
Target Groups
Other target groups: The general public, Specific sub-group: Subway riders