Van B - Very Urban Living
Van B - Very Urban Living
Van B - Very Urban Living
Van B - Very Urban Living
Van B - Very Urban Living
Van B - Very Urban Living
Van B - Very Urban Living
Van B - Very Urban Living


Van B - Very Urban Living

Real estate ad campaign

Living space in the city is becoming scarce, and creativity is needed. With this in mind, the architect Ben van Berkel and the project developer Bauwerk aim to create visionary architecture that fulfills this need. From the outside, the new-build project Van B is a pioneer. The architecture is both striking and elegant. Van B attracts attention like a sculpture: a designer piece. From the inside, it is revolutionary. With a future-orientated living concept that celebrates the art of convertible living through "plug-ins." The innovative sliding and folding room modules maximize the living space and create a new dimension of individuality.

Client / Manufacturer

Bauwerk Capital GmbH und Co. KG

München, DE

Christian Hundertmark C100

München, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User