Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space
Saint Paul patisserie retail space


Saint Paul patisserie retail space

Retail interior design

This design redefines what it means to deliver a unique solution that works with an overhaul of the brand's purchase experience solution. Taking inspiration from fashion on one hand and health on the other, the end result is the perfect balance of excitement and innovation. It sets a new standard for food retail environments with cutting-edge sanitary solutions! The design concept extends from the brand's mascot rabbit's home, luring you to enter the intertwining half-hidden tunnels with lots of hidden gems waiting for you to discover as you pass through the retail space.

Client / Manufacturer

Saint Paul Company

Chiayi, TW

CXE Design

Taipei, TW

CYD Innovations Ltd.

Taipei, TW
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User