SAMARA - Smart Encapsulation of Seeds for Aerial Sowing
SAMARA - Smart Encapsulation of Seeds for Aerial Sowing
SAMARA - Smart Encapsulation of Seeds for Aerial Sowing
SAMARA - Smart Encapsulation of Seeds for Aerial Sowing


SAMARA - Smart Encapsulation of Seeds for Aerial Sowing

Sowing drone accessory components

More than 200,000 forest fires occur every year, causing severe disruption to ecosystems which can take decades to recover. At present, aerial sowing is the most common method of encouraging forest recovery after fires. SAMARA, which was inspired by the airborne helicopter seeds produced by maples and some other trees, is a drone-equipped system for 3D printing of nutrient wings that increase the chances of seeds surviving aerial dispersal and germinating.


This is a very well-thought-out and carefully executed project designed to ensure more selective and effective aerial replanting of fire-ravaged forests.


We are deeply honored to receive this dream award. It validates our teamwork and perseverance. The pursuit of innovation has no end. We sincerely hope our work will contribute alongside millions of other great designs to creating a better world.


Loughborough University

Loughborough, GB

Ying Zheng

Loughborough University

Wenke Sun

China University of Geosciences

Bincong Luo

China University of Geosciences

Tianxu Guo

Shantou University