Prosthetic fingers
Hundreds of thousands of people experience finger amputations every year. Currently, there are very few available prostheses that restore the functionality of amputated fingers. Most are very expensive, costing about $3,000 per finger, an unaffordable price for the vast majority of people. Lunet is a fully 3D-printed mechanical finger prosthesis that requires no metal fasteners to assemble. It features a unique, robust mechanism to actuate the fingers. It can be quickly and affordably produced, making it accessible for all amputees.
This innovative concept directly aligns with SDG 3 (health and well-being). The use of 3-D printing to produce finger prostheses not only reduces costs but also allows for flexible and customizable production.
WINNER STATEMENTI am overwhelmingly honored to receive this award. This recognition helps advocate accessible healthcare and champions the potential that strategic designs have to address major issues afflicting the world. I will always continue working on innovative solutions to help humanity.
UNIVERSITYUniversity of Houston
Houston, US