Via Bici - Ride Towards Change
Cycling Navigation Service
Via Bici is a community-led service that leverages the concept of safety in numbers, promoting safer cycling in urban areas. Directing cyclists along a shared route using navigation services, it can help reduce accidents, save time and money, and improve quality of life. Via Bici’s unique feature is providing a channel to report feedback to authorities, thereby building an engaged and informed cycling community. It fosters environmental sustainability and promotes responsible cycling behaviors. Via Bici is a valuable tool in helping to achieve the sustainability goal of the 15-minute city.
This service design leverages the power of community to accelerate change towards sustainable urban mobility.
WINNER STATEMENTUs in the middle of the project: this project is going nowhere. Also us after being notified as winners: singing We Are the Champions by Queen! Takeaway: trust the process, trust the team and you will be thrilled to find yourself winning an iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD!
UNIVERSITYPolitecnico di Milano
Milan, IT
Shrishti Checker, Anita Colombo
Politecnico di Milano
Alice D'Adda, Giulia Pietracaprina
Politecnico di Milano