OC3 foldable
OC3 foldable
OC3 foldable
OC3 foldable
OC3 foldable
OC3 foldable
OC3 foldable
OC3 foldable


OC3 foldable

Multipurpose pressure washer

Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG

The new OC 3 Foldable is Kärcher’s most compact mobile outdoor cleaner. Its innovative foldable tank offers maximum capacity while taking minimum storage space, giving our customers full flexibility for various cleaning tasks on the go. The intuitive functionality of the OC 3 Foldable makes handling as easy as filling a bucket and is attractive for people who need a quick cleaning solution without a laborious set-up. Compared to the existing OC 3 models it is especially interesting for customers who have a water source available at their cleaning site but only very limited storage space.

iF Gold Statement

Few brands achieve such prominence that their name becomes a verb. Kärcher holds that honor, its name synonymous with pressure washers. If you imagine that such success leaves nowhere to go, think again! The super-compact and highly portable OC 3 Foldable takes the pressure washer to new places – literally!
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users