Eating Independently with Cerebral Palsy
Segons is a collection of products that allows a person with cerebral palsy to eat liquid and semi-liquid food independently. This set of elements is designed to facilitate intake through suction and has a graphic system with applied thermochromic ink that indicates the temperature of the contents. During the whole process, we worked together with my cousin Julià, devising, creating, and testing all the pieces until we reached the collection you can see.
This set for a cerebral palsy is more than a healthcare solution. Based in relevant insights, it combines easy development with a viable, low-investment solution. Above all: It utilizes a proven solution that has already been tested. Aesthetically awesome, congratulations!
WINNER STATEMENTI think it's amazing to have received this award, it's quite an honor and it has exceeded all expectations. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to making this possible, and thanks to the jury for deciding that Segons deserved this award.
UNIVERSITYElisava University of Design and Engineering
Barcelona, ES