Walking Aid for Senior Dogs
Senior dogs are prone to conditions such as spinal disc issues, arthritis, and bone dislocation, requiring walking assistance. Despite the importance, existing dog walking aids often come with various limitations. Steady is a walking aid designed for elderly dogs inspired by a seat belt. It provides vertical support, allowing elderly dogs to receive safe and unrestricted assistance during walks. Both humans and dogs can conveniently enjoy strolls. When in use, sensors automatically measure the walking data of the dog and provide analysis results, allowing for the detection of subtle joint issues in senior dogs that may go unnoticed.
A simple and clever idea. The project is as aesthetically pleasing as it is useful. Great job!
WINNER STATEMENTWe are thankful to the iF Design jury for validating our work, and hope for the happiness of all our furry friends.
UNIVERSITYHongikuniv Industrial Department
Seoul, KR
Chaewon Lee
Hongikuniv Industrial Department
Jungmin Park
Hongikuniv Industrial Department