Odapt - Transforming the Ostomy Bag Experience
Medical Device
Over 15 million people live with ostomy bags due to conditions like colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease. 99% of them have experienced a leak from the bag at least once. Leaks significantly impact users' quality of life, affecting their social interactions and professional environments. Leaks are mainly due to the misadjustment of current bags to different bodies. Odapt is the first 3D printed and reusable silicone wafer designed to avoid leaks. The design of the wafer is adapted to each user’s anatomy and to any pouch in the market, consequently eliminating the problem of leaks and improving ostomates’ quality of life.
This project stands out for its honesty and its high degree of implementation. It is a solution that cuts across the majority of society, and which dignifies and improves people's lives, thus expressing the best of design's capabilities.
WINNER STATEMENTWinning the iF DSA is a major achievement! It shows how much effort and dedication our team has put into improving the lives of people living with ostomy bags. We are super excited to connect with other passionate innovators and keep pushing to get our solution to patients!
Barcelona, ES
Jessica Nissen
ELISAVA School of Design
Ivana Llobet
ELISAVA School of Design