Smart Holo-Conference
Smart Holo-Conference
Smart Holo-Conference
Smart Holo-Conference
Smart Holo-Conference
Smart Holo-Conference
Smart Holo-Conference
Smart Holo-Conference


Smart Holo-Conference

Conference software

Xinhuazhiyun Technology Co., Ltd

Remote conferencing in the post-epidemic era is often a frustrating experience and lacks the natural feel of face-to-face communication. Smart-Holo Conference uses real-time, non-green-screen image matting technology to present 3D images of remote participants to solve that problem. The software can accurately distinguish participants from complex backgrounds, greatly enhancing spatial relations and providing a sense of reality. In addition, the cloud computing technology of real-time video capturing, intelligent editing, and accurate releasing improve the efficiency of media editing and posting.

Client / Manufacturer
Xinhuazhiyun Technology Co., Ltd

Xinhuazhiyun Technology Co., Ltd

Hangzhou, CN

China Academy of Art

Hangzhou, CN

China Academy of Art

Hangzhou, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Asia, Specific country/region: China
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry, Public Sector Government