Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience
Zwinger Xperience


Zwinger Xperience

Museum design

In addition to the unusual scenographic concept – conveying history purely through immersive media installations without the use of historical exhibits – the project is also characterized by a sophisticated exhibition design. Due to its narrow width and continuous glass front, the exhibition location posed a great challenge to the design of the five media spheres, which were woven into the colonnade in such a way as to create an exciting dramaturgical alternation of denser, more focused areas and quieter, opening ones. The clear, modern design of the media exhibits deliberately contrasts with the baroque architecture without denying it.

Client / Manufacturer

Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen gemeinnützige GmbH

Dresden, DE
m box bewegtbild GmbH

m box bewegtbild GmbH

Berlin, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
25 - 36 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User