Glück: time and image - October 1st - February 28th, 2016

Curatorship: Ederson Santos Lima e Graça Bandeira Room: 10 The Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON), in partnership with the Museum of Image and Sound of Paraná (MIS-PR), presents the exhibition "Glück: time and image." The show features around 100 photographs of Guilherme Glüc (1892-1983). The photographer was born in the countryside of Rio Poncho, Santa Catarina, from a German father and a mother of Dutch origin. For four decades Glück recorded the city of Lapa, its inhabitants, their customs and traditions. The show features more than the daily life of a small town, it presents a historical and iconographic record of the place.

Museu Oscar Niemeyer

Museu Oscar Niemeyer
