Founded in 1992, Sercomm Corporation has been committed to the software and firmware development of broadband networking. Coupled with fully integrated engineering capability and state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, Sercomm offers comprehensive telecom broadband solutions, and is now a global leader in the industry. Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, Sercomm now employs thousands of people around the world. A global logistics network is now taking shape with R&D centers and production sites both in Taiwan and China. As part of Sercomm's global strategy, as well as to provide better customer service, our global operation network covers markets of North America, Europe, China and Asia Pacific. Sercomm has continued to exert its core competencies and was able to provide the best time-to-market solutions to the customers, thereby managed to grow exponentially in the past decade. The Company has maintained outstanding operations in the ever-changing technology industry and is constantly improving in aspects of technology development, product quality, and customer service.