Vivian Gomes

SHNORHSan Francisco, United States

Vivian Gomes is the General Manager and Chief Design Officer at SHNORH, an agency based in San Francisco, CA, USA. He is an internationally respected Design leader, mentor and evangelist. Vivian believes that insights at the intersection of user needs, technology and business helps create highly effective and innovative products and solutions on the foundation of DESIGN. He exhibits extremely sharp natural curiosity and laser instincts in understanding human behaviour, that helps in predicting outcomes with metric driven accuracy.

He is a member of board of directors of the UXQCC, Austria, Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship at CMU, Cal Tech East Bay, Garranto Academy Singapore, UXPA Austria Accredited Professional, and on global forums and boards such as Google for Start-ups, Art Bridging Gap (ABG), LA, Designed.Org, and ADP list.