60 Years of Porsche
60 Years of Porsche
60 Years of Porsche
60 Years of Porsche


60 Years of Porsche


Porsche Lizenz- u. Handelsgesellschaft mbH Co.KG

A calendar as time travel to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Porsche brand. A trip through time that takes place solely in the present. Current Porsche models are accompanied by 12 historical vehicles with a spotlight from their era. The calendar motifs form a dialogue between present and past, and at the same time pay homage to the perpetual evolution of a unique idea.

Client / Manufacturer
Porsche Lizenz- u. Handelsgesellschaft mbH Co.KG

Porsche Lizenz- u. Handelsgesellschaft mbH Co.KG

Bietigheim-Bissingen, DE

recom GmbH

Ostfildern (Scharnhausen), DE

Bruce B. GmbH

Stuttgart, DE

Challenge Steininger + Nagel

Ostfildern / Ruit, DE