A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment
A neo-Japanese style experiment


A neo-Japanese style experiment


The cypress pieces, taken from abandoned houses, were processed, and made into grilles to optimize the space/ area with cypress fragrance. The layout presents a connected landscape thanks to deliberate aisles and depths of field which create an interplay between the invisible and the visible. The Ukiyoe style combines Japanese elements with materials such as terrazzo, titanium plating, and glasses to blend cultural differences and create an aesthetic perspective with subjectivity.

Client / Manufacturer

Oliver Interior Design

Kaohsiung City, TW

Oliver Interior Design

Kaohsiung City, TWChung Ting
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users