A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions
A new concept for digital operating instructions


A new concept for digital operating instructions

Digital Operating Instruction

Deutsche Vortex is one of the most innovative drinking water circulation pump manufacturers on the market. The patented spherical motor principle and the automated production in Baden-Wuerttemberg underline the high-quality standards for which the pumps are known throughout Europe. To live up to its claim "leadership in practice", raumkontakt developed a completely new approach to operating instructions from scratch – from installation to maintenance.

Client / Manufacturer

Deutsche Vortex GmbH & Co. KG

Ludwigsburg, DE

raumkontakt GmbH

Karlsruhe, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, "Craftsman"