ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9
ActivPanel 9


ActivPanel 9

Educational devices

With teachers worldwide facing increasing demands and needing to deliver the optimum learning experience, simplicity, reliability, and security are key. With enhanced interactivity, productivity, and engagement tools, the ActivPanel 9 helps teachers and students make the most out of every moment in school. It delivers the most intuitive operation to help teachers and students feel confident in class. Its proprietary technologies allow teachers to switch seamlessly between different classes. ActivPanel 9’s low cost, power consumption and durability are needed features for school financial and sustainability planning.

Client / Manufacturer


Seattle, US

NetDragon websoft Inc.

Fuzhou, Fujian province, CNNDID Team
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Public Sector / Government