aeroflon® BOND
aeroflon® BOND


aeroflon® BOND

Weather resistant adhesive

aeroflon® BOND is a novel, air-drying adhesive of 100% fluoropolymer with outstanding properties: weather resistance > 25 years, 100% ultraviolet resistance, highly stain-resistant, optical transparent, seawater-, chemical- and fuel resistant, flexible, non burning DIN EN 13501-1, B-s1, d0, no yellowing, excellent adhesion properties. aeroflon® BOND adhesive is multipurpose applicable in the in- and outdoor area and enabled outstanding bonding for textiles, as PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), fluoropolymer fabrics, PAN, mainly in the field of textile architecture (building structures), aircraft, aerospace, naval-, rail- and road-vehicles.

Client / Manufacturer

aeronautec GmbH

Seeon, DE

aeronautec GmbH

Seeon, DE