Again, New Beginning
Again, New Beginning
Again, New Beginning
Again, New Beginning


Again, New Beginning

Gift box

Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Pastry

Created for Jiu Zhen Nan (est. 1890), one of the oldest and most beloved pastry brand in Taiwan as a lunar new year gift box. Inspired by candy trays found in almost all homes, which holds an assortment of candies and cookies for visiting family and friends. We wanted to create an unique "opening" experience, where the user sees a wonderful world of treats revealed upon opening, and also make the process as "ready to eat" as possible. The Four Black Boxes also represent the four seasons, and the Gold boxes in the middle represent the rising sun, which signal a grand beginning to the new year, hence the name "Again, New Beginning".

Client / Manufacturer
Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Pastry

Jiu Zhen Nan Taiwan Pastry

Kaohsiung, TW

G-idea Group

Tainan, TW