Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure
Alibaba group brochure


Alibaba group brochure

Corporate brochure

Alibaba Group

This brochure for the Alibaba Group marks the company's 20th anniversary. As Alibaba continues to grow, it is continually pursuing new directions and iterations. The designers were tasked with designing a brochure to better communicate the company's brand and culture so that users, partners, and others would better understand Alibaba. The overall design theme, "Create together," expresses the vision of the Alibaba Group to grow together with all users, customers, and society at large. The brochure conveys this theme in the many aspects of its design.

Client / Manufacturer
Alibaba Group

Alibaba Group

Hangzhou, CN

Zhejiang Gongshang University

Hangzhou, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry, Public Sector Government