Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation
Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation


Alu Briefcase - Lightweight Product Presentation

A series of aluminium presentation-cases

Faisst GmbH

Alu Briefcase is a series of presentation-cases for the transport and presentation of small and valuable products. Until now, there are not many lightweight solutions to present these products in a modern and high-quality way. A unique design with Faisst-specific fittings makes Alu Briefcase a design statement that perfectly showcases the user's product during sales meetings. Faisst customers benefit from a tailor-made program in which our experts accompany them in the design of their individual Briefcase to ensure that it optimally supports their presentation to the customer and fits their own product and brand.

Client / Manufacturer
Faisst GmbH

Faisst GmbH

Birkenfeld, DE

TABLO Design GmbH

Birkenfeld, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Trade / Industry