Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design
Auria Vita Product Design


Auria Vita Product Design

Beauty Devices Industrial Design

Three spa facial treatments. One handheld device. Adaptive to anyone's routine. The Auria Vita is an all-in-one device that provides microdermabrasion, kinetic toning, and pore extraction. Exfoliate, tone, and extract to reveal softer, smoother skin, a more radiant tone, and clearer pores—all with one simple-to-use device. Enlisted Design partnered with Auria to develop a complete new lineup of products, through novel industrial design. Ergonomics studies were conducted to deliver an elevated user experience, while maintaining core functionality of the device for skincare.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users