AXOR ShowerComposition thermostatic modules
Shower thermostats
Hansgrohe SEThe AXOR ShowerComposition thermostatic modules provide intuitive control of the showers, water temperature and volume . Modern and timeless by design, the thermostats feature on/off switches to operate the different shower modules contained within the AXOR ShowerComposition showers. The switches ensure easy, intuitive interaction, even with wet hands, and harmonize with the rectilinear design of the thermostats. Like the AXOR ShowerComposition showers, the thermostatic modules are enduring, high-quality products, made personal through a range of AXOR FinishPlus surfaces.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Hansgrohe SE
Luxembourg, LUPhilippe StarckDate of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Trade / Industry